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67 комментариев

  1. Hausaufgaben 09.11

    Arbeitsbuch — Seite 37 Meine Wörter (here are also the articles of the words we are currently using. All important vocabularies are in each chapter. It is important to learn and repeat those words. Especially with the articles as this cannot be learned by a rule but just needs to be repeated. I asked Lea to translate the German words into her language and learn/repeat the German words with articles as homework. It would also be great for her to write those vocabularies down that she knows how to write them).

    Arbeitsbuch S. 37 Nr. 10

    Websites for German words with articles:
    https://deru.dict.cc/ (this is a great translater. If you search for the German word you get the translation and also the article of the German word — above the German word)



  2. Hausaufgaben 04.11

    Arbeitsbuch — Seite 35 Aufgabe 6

  3. Hausaufgaben 28.10

    Arbeitsbuch — Seite 35 Aufgabe 5

  4. Hausaufgaben 26.10

    Arbeitsbuch — Seite 34 Aufgabe 3

  5. Hausaufgaben 21.10

    Arbeitsbuch — Seite 33 Aufgabe 1

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